
Community Shred Day

CVF Credit Union is hosting a FREE document shredding event for the community on April 12, 2025. All are welcome to bring their personal papers and documents for shredding.

  • Time:  9 am to 1 pm
  • Date:  Saturday, April 12, 2025
  • Where:  Plymouth Branch, 8817 Sheldon Rd, Plymouth, MI 48170

Suggested Items To Shred

  • Bank, brokerage, and other general statements can usually be shredded after retaining for 3 years, unless needed to substantiate certain deposits or payments, cost basis of investments, warranties, or some other purpose.
  • Many bills, invoices, deposit slips, canceled checks, receipts, and other sales and expense records can be destroyed after keeping for a 3 year period.
  •  Tax documents such as W-2s, 1099s, 1098s showing deductible/creditable mortgage and/or educational expenses, Schedule K-1s, or other items which may show tax withholding should be kept for at least 3 years, although some of these documents (e.g., K-1s for investments) may be retained longer for alternative uses.
  • Medical and dental expense statements can generally be destroyed after 3 years, unless needed for a non-tax purpose, including treatment or insurance reasons.
  • Pay stubs can be shredded after 1 or 2 years, assuming there are no discrepancies when reconciled with annual Form W-2.

Items Unable To Shred

Iron Mountain reserves the right to not accept or shred materials they deem unsafe for their equipment. Some of these items are listed below, but our Iron Mountain rep will make the final call.

  • Cardboard (we will return boxes back to you)
  • Plastics
  • Common Trash
  • Hazardous Materials
  • CD/DVD/Magnetic Media
  • X-Rays
  • Computers & Accessories
  • Materials deemed unsafe to shred by Iron Mountain