Have Fun for Free: Your Local Library
Trying to save money? Looking for things you can do that are free or low cost? You might be surprised to find out that your key to free activities is most likely in your wallet! Your library card!
If you haven’t been to your local library for a while, you may be surprised to see what they have to offer. There’s more than just current books, magazines and DVDs available.
Public libraries are also more cutting edge than you think. Libraries all around the country are coming up with ways to offer unusual services. For example, at many libraries you can rent framed artwork for your home. Some libraries circulate toys for kids and household tools for grownups. They also loan out game systems, desk top monitors, tents and more. Libraries have become very innovative in what they are able to loan out. One library in Iowa had a 3D printer that could be checked out.
In addition to items you can borrow, most libraries also offer many activities for kids and adults for free. There are movie and craft nights, Lego days, Storytime and more!
Looking for things to do in your area? Some libraries have free passes for local museums or events. It’s a great way to get free entertainment and visit a new place or enjoy a new experience.
You may find lists of available free or low-cost things to do in the surrounding area as well that your library has compiled.
So, next time you are looking for ways to cut costs but still have fun, take a trip over to your library, it just might surprise you!