
Community Giveback

Community Giveback

At CVF Credit Union, we are deeply committed to supporting our community and investing in initiatives that align with our values and mission. We believe in the power of community and are excited to collaborate with organizations and small businesses that are dedicated to creating meaningful change and enriching lives. Through our Community Giveback program, we aim to contribute to projects and events that foster community growth, enhance quality of life, and promote sustainability.

We invite you to submit your sponsorship requests and small business grant applications through this platform. Whether you’re an organization seeking support for a community project or a small business looking to invest in growth, please provide us with detailed information about your initiative, event, or business plan, and how our partnership can make a difference.

Together, we can create lasting impacts and strengthen the fabric of our community. Thank you for your dedication to our shared community values. We look forward to reviewing your proposals and working together to make a meaningful difference.

  • Sponsorship & Donations
  • Small Business Grants
  • Sponsorship Criteria